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Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS) Airport Lounge: San Francisco (SFO) Clubhouse Lounge 6/2005

Category: Airport Lounge 2007-04-28

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This is Virgin Atlantic Airways' (維珍航空) 'The Clubhouse' which is located in the international terminal in San Francisco International Airport. It has a very ultra modern design with a 'night club' feel.
The center of the Clubhouse is the bar with the blue colored glass panels.
If the ultra modern feel is too much for you, you can relax on this end of the lounge. On the wall, there're monitors which display digital arts by the local artists.
The Clubhouse has shower facilities to refresh after a long day in the city before your flight.
Cream of asparagas soup, yum yum!
How about a club sandwich in 'The Clubhouse'?
A hearty Italian entree.
There're many pre-boarding meals that you can order in the lounge. This is the Thai style noodles.
If a bowl of Thai noodles is not enough for you, how about prime rib?
If you want something light and you are also a cheese lover, you can order the cheese plate.
If you don't like cheese, no problem, you can order the mixed fruit salad with chocolate sauce.
For dessert lovers, apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream, sounds good, doesn't it?
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User comments:

2011-07-02 22:58:55 (GMT-6) enhZiAbfFfoD: Display_blog.. Not so bad :)
2011-07-02 10:11:44 (GMT-6) rKgCkwNoN: Display_blog.. Retweeted it :)
2011-06-24 22:37:22 (GMT-6) UBhDJucVMNXDPfs: Display_blog.. Reposted it :)
2011-06-05 04:22:54 (GMT-6) QFjlHGUwPAPbwQjDzc: Display_blog.. Nifty :)
2011-06-03 04:05:14 (GMT-6) ljMBThAQtzeuzwqo: Display_blog.. Bully :)
2009-03-07 22:04:00 (GMT-6) Lizzy: 回覆阿皮: 因為我們一家人都在, 人多好辦事, 所以這些食物也都吃完了 .....
2009-03-07 20:57:39 (GMT-6) 阿皮: 姊姊拍這麼多美食,最後真的有吃完嗎,我也想把貴賓室的食物都拍下,但怕吃不完所以不好意思拿哈哈哈

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